toddlerMusicBox A toddler friendly music box

toddlerMusicBox Musicplayer

After building tmb One and Two I was thinking about what could be done better. One main concern I had was the booting time of the RaspberryPi. I wanted to have an immediate response after power button was switched on. So I started the tmb Musicplayer project which is a custom board and custom software. I used assembled a dev board with a DiscoveryF4 and MP3 decoder Arduino shield.

toddlerMusicBox Two

A second version of toddlerMusicBox is delivered to another music addicted toddler. It has some major improvements like light effects, WIFI and support for music player deamon playlists. It is much smaller and less heavy than the toddlerMusicBox One.

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toddlerMusicBox One

The first version of a toddlerMusicBox is finished.

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